Publication rules

ANALES RANF (abbreviated name according to ISO-4: An Real Acad Farm) is a national and international scientific journal that publishes content in relation to all subjects related to pharmaceutical sciences.

It is the official scientific journal of the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (Royal National Academy of Pharmacy), publishes 4 issues a year and accepts manuscripts in Spanish and English. The Publication is digitally edited ( with the ISSN 1697-428X.

The journal publishes original articles, clinical cases, scientific sessions, comprehensive reviews, mini reviews, brief communications, and peer-reviewed research. Opinion articles, scientific news, book analysis and other topics can also be considered for publication.

The ANALES journal of the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia adheres to the recommendations of uniformity for manuscripts sent to biomedical journals prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, whose official text is available at:

Editorial policy

Reproduction permission

Once the material is published it cannot be reproduced unless written permission is obtained from the Editorial Office, which must be transferred to the Editorial Office in case of acceptance of the article for publication.

Review and publication deadlines

All manuscripts submitted for publication will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and external evaluators.
For greater agility, peer reviews of manuscripts will be done electronically. The editorial office shall inform the authors of the acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript within 60 days of receipt.
Learn more about this topic in Points 6 and 14 of this Guide for Authors.

Language and edition

Submitted manuscripts containing an excessive number of grammatical and/or typographical errors in Spanish or English will be returned to the authors for correction.

Proof correction

Once the manuscript is accepted and before publication, the authors will receive the galley proofs. To avoid publication delays, proofs should be returned corrected within 48 hours. No major modifications will be accepted at this stage. If it is not possible to send corrections in time, the authors must send a message indicating the date on which they can return them corrected. Otherwise, the article will be published as received. Publishers will not be responsible for any errors that may be contained in the published manuscript.
In the manuscript an author for correspondence must be identified with postal address, telephone number and email address. This author shall be responsible for ensuring that the revised version of the manuscript, which incorporates the corrections, is approved by all co-authors.


By submitting a manuscript to Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia , the authors agree that the copyright of their article is transferred to the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (RANF), provided that the article is accepted for publication. The submission of a manuscript implies that all authors have read and accepted the content of the copyright form displayed in the online application. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published nor are under consideration for publication in another journal. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and once the article is presented for publication, the authors agree that publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors whenever plagiarism or manipulated information is discovered.
Detailed information on this topic can be found in Point 13.


Authors may deposit the first draft of an article submitted for publication on their personal web pages, their institution’s repositories or any non-commercial repository, for personal use, internal use of the institution, or academic publication.
On the other hand, authors may deposit the accepted version of the peer-reviewed article on their personal websites, their institution’s repository, or any non-commercial repository such as PMC or arXiv, provided that they insert a link to the journal website.
Under the copyright agreement, RANF does not allow to deposit the final published version of the manuscripts.


RANF will offer the electronic publication of the manuscripts after publication.


Articles that appear in the journal may contain statements, opinions, and information containing errors in facts, figures, or interpretation. RANF, publishers and their employees are not responsible for the use of any such inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or information contained in E-Pub articles or in their online publication.

Standard protocol for approvals, registrations, patient consents and animal protection.

For manuscripts reporting data from human and animal studies, formal review and approval by an institutional ethics committee is required.
More detailed information on this subject can be found in Points 4 and 9.

Cell line authentication

RANF recommends that all cell lines be authenticated before submitting an article for review. Therefore, authors are required to provide authentication of the origin and identity of cells by profiling cells, either in their own laboratory or in an external laboratory or authorized cell bank. Authentication is required when a new or acquired line is established, prior to freezing a cell line, if line performance is inconsistent or results are unexpected, if more than one cell line is used, and before publication of the study.
The profile of cell lines should be matched against the donor tissue profile of other continuous cell lines such as that provided by the, ATCC®, etc.

Item Processing Charges (APC)

Our journal has not and does not apply Article Processing Fees (APCs). The publication of manuscripts is completely free of charge, thus guaranteeing open access and the dissemination of knowledge at no cost to the authors as long as they respect the publication rules.

Responsibilities and ethical issues in publishing

ANALES RANF journal considers negligence in research or publication to be a serious ethical violation and will treat such situations as necessary. It is recommended that authors review the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors for more information in this regard.
ANALES RANF journal does not accept previously published material. Plagiarism and the simultaneous submission of manuscripts to two journals are considered serious acts of negligence. Plagiarism can take many forms, including trying to publish someone else’s works as the author’s own, copying or paraphrasing substantial parts of another work without attribution, and claiming results from research done by other authors. Plagiarism, in all its possible forms, constitutes
unethical editorial behavior and is therefore considered unacceptable. Duplicate submission/ publication occurs when two or more works share the same hypothesis, data, discussion points and conclusions, without these works having been mutually cited from each other.

Human and animal research

All clinical investigations must be carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of Principles. All identifying information should not be published in written statements, photographs or genealogies. Also, patient names, initials or medical record numbers may not be disclosed in illustrative materials. Photographs of human beings must be accompanied by an informed consent of the person and that said person reviews the manuscript prior to its publication, in the event that the patient can be identified by the images or clinical data added in said manuscript. Facial features must not be recognizable.

Animal experiments should adhere to the ARRIVE (Guía ARRIVE 2.0) guidelines and be conducted in accordance with the related recommendations of the EU Directive 2010/63/EU for experiments on animals, or the National Institutes of Laboratory Guide on the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Health (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978). The author must expressly indicate clearly in the manuscript that these guidelines have been followed.

The Editorial Committee may require authors to add a copy of the approval of an Ethics Committee in the case of work with animal experimentation or clinical trials (patients, patient material or medical data), including an official and verified translation of such document. It should be specified in the ethics section that all study procedures received ethical approval from the relevant ethics committees at the national, regional or institutional level with responsibility for animal/human research. The approval date and registration number must also be added. In the event that ethical approval is not included in the submission, the authors should explain the reason, including an explanation of the study’s adherence to the criteria proposed in the Declaration of Helsinki. (Declaración de Helsinki


All data included in a manuscript must be real and authentic. All co-authors must have contributed significantly to the preparation of the document, and are required to provide retractions or corrections, if necessary, when errors are found in the text. Each author must specify how they want their name to be cited (i.e., only the first surname, the two surnames, or both surnames joined with a hyphen). If necessary, each author will be required to specify the type of contribution made and degree of involvement in the document. It is recommended to include the ORCID code of each author

Peer review

ANALES RANF publishes documents that have been accepted after a peer review process. The documents sent will be evaluated by reviewers who do not have conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and / or the funding entities. The documents will be treated by these reviewers in a confidential and objective manner. Reviewers may indicate some relevant previously published works that have not been cited in the text. Following the reviewers’ suggestions and their recommendation, the editors have the authority to reject, accept or request the modification of specific parts of the manuscript.


In the event that authors wish to submit a previously published image, table or data, they must obtain the third party’s permission to do so and expressly cite it. This permission must be given in writing and addressed to the editor of ANALES RANF journal. If the image, table or data to be published is based on others previously published, this circumstance must be mentioned.
In the event that an institution or sponsor participates in a study, its permission is explicitly required to publish the results of said research. In the case of presenting information about a patient that may reveal their identity, the informed consent of said patient is required.

Conflict of interests

The authors of a manuscript are responsible for acknowledging and disclosing any conflict of interest, or potential conflict of interest, that may produce a bias in their work, or could be perceived as a bias, as well as to acknowledge all financial support and personal collaborations. ANALES RANF adheres to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which is available at, including conflict of interest and authorship guidelines. When there is a conflict of interest, it must be specified on the Title Page. Likewise, the “Declaration of Transparency” form (see the Supplementary Documentation) must be filled out, signed by all authors and forwarded to the editor of ANALES RANF. Authors must mention the type of relationship and involvement of the funding sources. If there is no conflict of interest, it must also be specified. Any potential conflict of interest, financial or otherwise, related to the submitted work, must be clearly indicated in the document or in the cover letter accompanying the submission.

Informed consent

The authors must mention (in the last paragraph of the Material and Methods section in the case of Originals) that the patients included in the study, if any, gave their consent to participate in it after having been informed in a detailed way about said study. The editor of ANALES RANF, if deemed necessary, may require such informed consent to the authors.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts must be submitted online through the address in the Manuscript Submission link (or, failing that, by delivering the material to the RANF secretariat electronically, by mail or in person). All required fields must be duly completed, following the rules and instructions contained therein.
The text of the manuscript (including first page or title page, abstract, body of the article, acknowledgments and references) should be included in a single file. Figures and Tables should be embedded in the text in the approximate position where the authors wish them to be placed in the final article. Figures and tables should also be attached in separate files, using one file for each table or figure.

Specific rules for each type of article

Original research articles

Research works related to pharmaceutical sciences with significant interest for the scientific community, both in qualitative and quantitative research, will be considered. The maximum length of the text will be 5000 words that should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. In addition, the manuscript must include an abstract of a maximum length of 250. They must follow the terminology adapted by FORUM of Pharmaceutical Care, with the exceptions of the works that introduce arguments for debate.
3 to 6 keywords will be included, with the recommendation to use of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings of Index Medicus/Medline terms available in: and terms from the CSIC Index (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). A total of up to 30 bibliographic references will be accepted and should be formatted according to the Vancouver criteria (see the Annex at the end of this document). The maximum number of tables and figures allowed will be 6. A figure may in turn consist of a composition of several. The manuscript must be sent in Word (.doc or .docx), tables in .doc or .docx format, and figures in .jpg or .tiff format and with a quality of at least 240 dpi.

Original teaching articles

Original teaching articles will be considered those aimed at improving and providing new data on a practical and didactic approach to the teaching of Health Sciences that help improve daily teaching practice. The maximum length of the text shall be 5000 words to be divided into the same sections described above for the Original Articles. It will be accompanied by an unstructured abstract of up to 250 words. 3 to 6 keywords will be included. The maximum number of references will be 30. Up to 3 tables or figures may be included. The manuscript must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx), tables in .doc or .docx format, and figures in .jpg, .png or .tiff formats and with a resolution of at least 240 dpi.

Review articles

Comprehensive bibliographic reviews on a specific topic related to Pharmaceutical Care. They are articles that systematically show and critically evaluate the current concepts and results on a topic of interest in pharmacy. Review articles may be requested from the author directly by the Editorial Committee (Editor and Associate Editors) or voluntarily submitted by the authors. Articles of this type will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, by a member of the Advisory/Scientific Committee and/or by external reviewers. The maximum extension of these articles shall be 12000 words divided into an Introduction, Body or Synthesis of the review (he sections and sub-sections deemed appropriate may be used) and Conclusions. The abstract will have a maximum length of 250 words; 3 to 6 keywords will be added. Up to 90 bibliographic references will be allowed. The manuscript must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx), tables in .doc or .docx format, and figures in .jpg, .png or .tiff formats with a resolution of at least 240 dpi.

Mini-review articles, covering focused aspects of a research area and its recent developments, will also be considered. They will have the same máximum Word count as research articles.

Clinical cases

The preparation and submission of interesting clinical cases that have a message to convey to the reader will be allowed. Routine clinical cases of no interest to the scientific community will not be considered. The types of studies deemed appropriate are case-control studies, cohort studies, case series, cross-sectional studies, and controlled trials.
The maximum length of clinical cases will be 1500 words distributed in an Introduction, Clinical Case (Presentation, Evaluation, Results) and Discussion. The abstract will have a maximum length of 150 words and will not need to be structured. A maximum of 3 figures or tables will be allowed.

In the case of controlled trials, the instructions and regulations expressed in CONSORT, available on the, or similar ones available on the web, must be followed. The maximum length of the text will be 5000 words that should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. In addition, it must include an abstract of a maximum length of 250 words structured in Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. They must follow the terminology adapted by FORO de Atención Farmaceútica, with the exceptions of works that introduce arguments for debate or that have been carried out outside the Spanish sphere.

The maximum number of bibliographical references will be 30. The manuscript must be sent in Word (.doc or .docx), tables in .doc or .docx format, and figures in .jpg or .tiff format and with a resolution of at least 240 dpi.

Letters to the editor

The articles included in this section may be free comments on a topic of interest in Pharmacy or criticisms of recently published articles in ANALES RANF journal. Reviews or comments published in other Journals will be exceptionally accepted if they have an obvious interest in pharmacy. The maximum length of the unstructured text is 500 words, with no need to include abstract or keywords. One figure or table can be included to accompany the letter. A maximum of 10 bibliographic citations are allowed. The manuscript must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx), tables in format (.doc or .docx) and figures in .jpg, .png or .tiff format and with a resolution of at least 240 dpi.

To refer to the processes that constitute Pharmaceutical Care, the terms contained in the Documento de consenso de Foro de Atención Farmacéutica will be used, with the exception of opinion articles on the suitability of the works or that have been carried out outside the Spanish sphere.

Reports and opinions

This section includes consensus documents, collaborations where the authors postulate new theories, establish hypotheses or design new tools. These collaborations are requested by the Editor of the journal to experts of recognized prestige.

The maximum extension of the article shall be 3000 words divided into an Introduction, Body or Summary of the report (the sections and sub-sections deemed appropriate may be used) and Conclusions. The structured abstract (Objective, Method, Result and Conclusion) will have a maximum of 250 words; 3-6 keywords will be added. Up to 30 bibliographic references and up to 4 tables or figures will be allowed. The manuscript must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx), tables in format (.doc or .docx) and figures in .jpg, .png or .tiff format and with a resolution of at least 240 dpi.

Book analysis

This section will allow criticism and comments on a book in the pharmaceutical field in which the most important formal and scientific aspects will be highlighted, as well as its fundamental contributions to science. Its maximum length will be 500 words. No abstract or keywords are necessary and tables or figures will not be allowed, except for the cover of the book. The manuscript must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx).

Book analysis

This section will allow criticism and comments on a book in the pharmaceutical field in which the most important formal and scientific aspects will be highlighted, as well as its fundamental contributions to science. Its maximum length will be 500 words. No abstract or keywords are necessary and tables or figures will not be allowed, except for the cover of the book. The manuscript must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx.

Other articles (Laudatios, obituaries, articles on relevant scientists, philosophical articles …)

These articles, by their special nature, may have an extension of up to 5,000 words. No abstract or keywords are required as is not mandatory containing “introduction” and/or “conclusions”. Likewise, bibliographic references, if any, should not be identified throughout the text and only the corresponding mention at the end of the article will suffice. A
maximum of 10 bibliographic references can be indicated and contain 5 tables/figures. The manuscript must be sent in Word (.doc or .docx), tables in .doc or .docx format, and figures in .jpg or .tiff format and with a quality of at least 240 dpi.

These types of articles will not be published in the ordinary edition of the journal ANALES RANF, but through an Extraordinary Supplement.

Formal characteristics in the writing of a manuscript

Each work, depending on the type of article previously expressed, must be structured as mentioned. In general, the works should be written on DIN A4 size sheets with a letter 10, Times New Roman type, with lateral and upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm and a leading of 1.5 with a complete justification.

Articles may be submitted in Spanish or English, which are the two official languages of the journal. During the preparation of the manuscript, abbreviations may be used, and they will be clarified following their first appearance in the text; otherwise, a list of abbreviations will be provided. Use of common abbreviations in scientific language is recommended. Abbreviations may be used only in the main body of the manuscript, not in the title or abstract. Particular emphasis should be placed on the correct and adequate expression of the units of measurement. Figures will be numbered with Arabic numerals. Chemical structures will preferably be submitted in .cdx. or .cdxml formats (ChemDraw). The maps will be included in the “supplementary material” section. Words in Latin or other languages should also be italicized for example per se, et al, etc. Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes and are damaged or lost during manuscript preparation for publication. To ensure that all special characters used are embedded in the text, they must be inserted as a symbol, but they should not be the result of any style formatting (e.g. Symbol font), otherwise they may be lost in converting to PDF/XML or other layout processes. Chemical equations, chemical names, mathematical symbols, units of measurement, concentrations and units of physics and chemistry must conform to the International System of Units (SI) and chemical abstracts or IUPAC. All measurements should be labeled only on the SI.

The preparation of a manuscript that follows the aforementioned instructions regarding the structure of each of the types of articles is considered fundamental and editorial norm. The general structure of the articles submitted to the journal will be as follows:

First page or Title page

• A title with no more than 90 characters must be included that is sufficiently clear and descriptive (in Spanish and English).
• Name and Surname of the authors – Indicate the Institutions in which the authors work or come from. Also include the full name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the author for correspondence.
• Short title: Without exceeding 50 characters, avoiding acronyms.

• Add the number of words, without including the abstract, and the number of tables and figures if applicable.

Second page or Summary page and keywords in Spanish

An abstract should be provided, if appropriate according to the type of manuscript chosen, which should include: Objectives (indicating the purpose of the study clearly and briefly), Methods (indicating the study design, tests performed, type of study, selection of patients and statistical study), Results (the most significant with their corresponding statistical study) and Conclusions (making emphasis on the most important of what was obtained in the study). Next, 3-6 keywords will be included.

Third page or Summary page and keywords in English

• Following the same recommendations previously described in the previous point, but in English.
Fourth and subsequent pages (as appropriate to the type of article: the text and Body of the manuscript with its different sections:
• Introduction: The most important background will be included, as well as the objectives of the study to be carried out.
• Material and Methods: It is appropriate to specify the study period, population type, study design, procedures and instruments used in the study, as well as specify the criteria for inclusion and exclusion in the study. The type of statistical study carried out should be included according to the characteristics of the variables analyzed and studied. In addition, it will be added if it meets the ethical requirements of the committee of the institution where the study has been carried out.
• Results: They should be clear, concise and well explained. If appropriate, efforts should be made to summarize certain results in tables to avoid confusion during reading. It is recommended not to repeat information from tables or graphs in the text.
• Discussion: The results obtained with respect to the existing data in the literature should be discussed in a clear and scientifically adequate way. Repeating comments or data referred to in the previous sections will be avoided as far as possible.
• Conclusions: The most important aspects of the data obtained should be highlighted briefly and with direct messages.
• Acknowledgements. To the funding entities and people whose participation in the study has not been sufficient to be considered co-authors.
• References: The citations that the author or authors have used in the preparation of the manuscript will be included and they will be recorded in the text. They must be sorted according to their appearance in the text and included within it between parentheses and with Arabic numerals. References will strictly follow Vancouver standards (examples are shown at the end of this document).

Tables: They should be done following the same criteria in terms of size and font of the letter, as well as line spacing. Each table will be included on a single page and must be numbered correlatively to its appearance in the text with Arabic numerals.
It must have an explanatory title of the content of the same in a clear and concise way. The format of the tables will be .doc or .docx (editable format, never as an image). Tables must be cited throughout the text with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2…).

Figures: Graphics, photographs, drawings, or schematics are considered figures. They must be numbered according to the order of appearance in the text. Each of the figures shall bear an explanatory caption, which must be included in the main body of the manuscript after the References or Bibliography. Each figure must be sent in an individual file mainly in .tiff, .png or .jpg formats with a resolution of at least 240 dpi.

Tables and graphics should be embedded in the text in the approximate position where the authors wish them to be placed in the final article. Figures and tables should also be attached in separate files, using one file for each table or figure.

Appendices: Where methodologically necessary, appendices can be attached. An appendix should not exceed three pages with 900 words per page. The information should be provided in a condensed form, without the need for complete sentences. If it is a single appendix it should be titled ANNEX, while if they are more than one you can own APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

Complementary material: This material will be available online on the website It should contain data relevant and complementary to those presented in the manuscript. Its format can be: tables, graphs, spectra, movies and any other.

Privacy and Data Note: The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.

Intellectual property rights (copyright)

Authors who submit a manuscript should be aware that, if accepted for publication, copyright will be transferred to the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Copyright includes exclusive reproduction and dissemination in all forms and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms and any other reproduction(s) in addition to translations. The reproduction of any part of this journal, its storage in databases and its transmission by any form or means of communication – electronic, mechanical copies, photocopies, recordings in magnetic environments, etc…-, must be authorized by the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, which is the legitimate owner of the copyright. The Royal National Academy of Pharmacy, publishers and editorial board will seek to ensure that no misguided or misleading data is published. The contents of the articles published in the Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia are the sole and exclusive responsibility of its authors. Therefore, the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, publishers, editorial board and director declare themselves completely free from any responsibility as to the consequences that may result from such misguided or misleading data, opinions or statements. The copyright owner’s consent does not extend to making copies for general distribution, promotion, creating new works, or for resale, and written authorization must be obtained in these cases.

Authors published in the journal Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia will transfer the copyright of their works to the Royal Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (RANF). The submission of a manuscript to the journal implies that all authors have read and accepted the content of the copyright form displayed in the online application. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and are not submitted or published simultaneously in another journal. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and once the article is submitted for publication the authors agree that publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors, if plagiarism or manipulated information is discovered. By submitting a manuscript online the authors agree that the copyright of their article will be transferred to the publishers, provided that the article is accepted for publication. Once sent to the journal, the author will not be able to remove his manuscript at any stage prior to publication.

Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, as owner of the journal ANALES RANF, will be responsible for guarding the authorship rights of each manuscript.
Authors will be required to complete a document with regard to authorship rights and the transfer of these rights to ANALES RANF journal (see document).
The corresponding author is required to declare whether any of the authors are employees of the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia or the United States of America or if they have any contractual relationship with these institutions. In the event that an author is employed by the United States of America, he or she must specify the contract number, as well as whether the investigation has received funds from the United States. Similarly, if any of the authors belong to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, he or she must specify it.

The signature and copyright agreement includes:

• Author’s Responsibility and Warranty: The author warrants that all material sent to ANALES RANF is original and has not been published by another magazine or other format.
• If any part of the work submitted has been previously published, it must be specified in the manuscript. The author warrants that none of the data submitted infringes the rights of third parties and authorizes ANALES RANF to use the work if necessary.
• Transfer of rights of use: The author transfers to the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia all rights concerning the use of any material derived from the work accepted for publication in ANALES RANF, as well as any derived product regarding distribution, transformation, adaptation and translation, as it appears in the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law.
• Therefore, the authors will not be authorized to publish or disseminate works accepted for publication in ANALES RANF without the express written authorization of the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia.

The Author will grant “Exclusive License” to ANALES of the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, delivering the document so-called found in the Complementary Documentation section.
The signatory authors of the article will declare with the “Consent of Authors” that their article does not infringe any copyright or intellectual property of third parties as well as that the article is not in review of another journal nor has it been previously published. This document must be submitted together with the submitted manuscript.

Editorial process and review

Submitted manuscripts are received through a web page delivery system (or email if any) and, the review process will begin after a formal evaluation of the Editor or Associated Editors. The manuscript will then be sent to at least one external reviewer or one members of the Governing Council or the Editorial/Scientific Once the external reviewer’s report has been received, the Editorial Committee will issue a decision that will be communicated to the authors.
The first review process will not last more than two months. If a manuscript requires changes, modifications or revisions, it will be notified to the authors and they will given a reasonable time to make such changes, which will depend on the number and depth of the changes required. Once the revised version is submitted, authors should highlight changes made in a different colour and attach a response letter to reviewers clearly explaining the changes made to the manuscript.
The Editorial Committee of ANALES RANF reserves the right to make formal changes or modifications to the manuscript with the consent and approval of the authors, without making changes in the content. The purpose of these changes will be to improve the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. Upon acceptance of an article, it will be sent to print and the evidence will be sent to the author.

Upon receipot pf the galley proofs, the authors will indicate any errors or modification within 48 hours and give their approval to publication. After this time, changes to the scientific content, number, or order of the authors will not be accepted. In the extreme case where the authors insist on making unauthorized changes prior to the final publication of the article or violating the aforementioned principles, the Editorial Committee of ANALES RANF reserves the right not to publish the article.
In the event of typographical errors or other errors in the final publication, the Editorial Committee, together with the authors, will publish an appropriate clarification in the following issue of the journal.

The reviewers will receive a diploma or supporting document acknowledging their contribution to ANALES RANF (a request to the Editor is required).
The Editorial and Scientific Committee will periodically add new reviewers and will always be open to the suggestions from the reviewers to improve the scientific quality of the journal.

Editorial policy and advertising

ANALES RANF journal reserves the right to admit commercial advertising related to the world of Health Sciences. ANALES RANF, its Editorial and Scientific Council and the Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia are not responsible for the comments expressed in the content of the manuscripts by the authors.


This list is very useful when making the last review of the article prior to submission to the Publication.

Review and check the following tasks:
• Identify the corresponding author including his or her email address.
• Prepare all the files that the submission should include.
Regarding the manuscript, verify:
• That the keywords are included.
• That all the figures and their corresponding titles are included.
• That all the tables (with the title, description and pertinent notes) are included.
• That all references to tables and figures in the text match the table and figure files that are sent.
Also keep in mind:
• To perform a spelling and grammar check.
• Chek that all the citations of the text are in the list of references, and vice versa.
• To obtain the necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted material, including material that comes from the Internet.
• To make declarations of conflict of interest.
• To review the regulations of the journal detailed in this Guide.
• Explicitly cite the sources and origin of external content

Examples of references following the Vancouver standards


1. Boehm M, Nabel EG. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-a new cardiac regulator. N Engl J Med 2002; 347: 1795-7.
2. SoRelle R. Long reach of the N-terminal of B-type natriuretic peptide. Circulation 2002; 106: 9059-63.
3. Leone A. Biochemical markers of cardiovascular damage from tobacco smoke. Curr Pharm Des 2005; 11: 2199-208.
4. Meuillet EJ, Mahadevan D, Vankayalapati H, et al. Specific inhibition of the Akt1 pleckstrin homology domain by D-3-deoxyphosphatidyl- myo-inositol analogues. Mol Cancer Ther 2003; 2: 389-99.

Book chapter:

5. Ban Y, Tomer Y. Endocrine diseases. Graves’s and Hashimoto’s diseases. In: Oksenberg J, Brassat D, Eds. Immunogenetics of autoimmune disease. Medical Intelligence Unit. New York: Landes Bioscience and Springer Science-Business Media 2006; pp. 41-58.
6. Astrup P. The arterial wall in atherogenesis. In Cavallero Ed. Atherogenesis. Padua: Piccin Medical Books 1965: pp. 77-92.

Reference of a book:

7. Carlson BM. Human embryology and developmental biology. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby 2004.
8. Rosai J. Histological typing of tumours of the thymus. 2nd ed. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 1999.
Book with editor:
9. Brown AM, Stubbs DW, Eds. Medical physiology. New York: Wiley 1983.

Conferences and congresses proceedings:

10. Kimura J, Shibasaki H, Eds. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1996.
11. Cooper R, Cutler J, Desvigne-Nickens P, et al. Disparities in coronary heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases in the United States: findings of the National Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. Circulation 2000; 102: 3137-47.
12. Chao JT, Theriault A, Gapor A. Delta-tocotrienol is a potent inhibitor of monocyte-endothelial cell adhesion. In: Cutting edge technologies For sustained competitiveness. Proceedings of the 2001 PI POC International palm Oil Congress, Food Technology and Nutrition Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Aug. 20-22, 2001; pp. 225-34.

Article on the Internet:

Aylin P, Bottle A, Jarman B, Elliott P. Paediatric cardiac surgical mortality in England after Bristol: descriptive analysis of hospital episode statistics 1991-2002. Disponible en: (

13. NCT01013350. Prospective observational long-term safety registry of multiple sclerosis patients who have participated in cladribine clinical trials (PREMIERE). Disponible en (

Book or monograph on the Internet:

15. Donaldson MS, Ed. Measuring the quality of health care (monografía en internet). Washington: National Academy Press 1999 (2004 Oct 8). Disponible en: (
16. Silva ATA. Ed. Development of compounds potentially active against Helicobacter pylori. Monografía en internet. Araraquara: School of Pharmaceutical Science, Universidade Estadual Paulista. Disponible en: ( Disertacoes/2008/antonio_tavora-completo.pdf) monografía en portugués.

Website / Home Page:

17. HeartCentreOnline (página de inicio de Internet). Boca Raton, FL: HeartCentreOnline, Inc.; c2000-2004. Disponible en: (
18. Tuberculosis Antimicrobial Acquisition and Coordinating Facility (TAACF), Global discovery program for novel anti-tuberculosis drugs página de inicio de Internet.. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Disponible en: (

Supplement of an issue:

19. Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology 2002; 58(12 Suppl 7): S6-12.
20. Durandy A, Kaveri SV, Kuijpers TW, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulins– understanding properties and mechanisms. Clin Exp Immunol 2009; 158(Suppl 1): 2-13.


Pagedas AC, inventor; Ancel Surgical R&D Inc., assignee. Flexible endoscopic grasping and cutting device and positioning tool assembly. United States patent US 20020103498. 2002 Aug.
If the article, book, journal, etc … have a DOI or PMID code, please include them

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