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A historical overview of protein kinase PKR…

PKR associated activator (PACT) (23, 24). PKR is also an      only 12 are biochemically verified, and 8 have been
                                                              functionally characterised (32). Although phosphorylation
intermediary in TLR signalling (25). PKR is engaged in        of most sites serves to augment kinase activity toward
                                                              eIF2a, only phosphorylation of T451 is required to
dsRNA-activated TLR3 signalling, recruited by a TAK1-         generate an active kinase (32). As predicted for a
                                                              translation regulator, PKR is associated to ribosomes,
containing complex in response to dsRNA binding to the        mainly to 40S subunits (33). Ribosomal association of
                                                              PKR appears to be mediated by the dsRBD, strengthening
TLR3 receptor. In addition, PKR integrates and transmits      the role of these domains in the correct regulation of PKR
these signals not only to eIF-2a and the translational        activity. PKR localisation in ribosomes offers a
                                                              satisfactory explanation for its local activation in response
machinery, but also to various factors such as STAT IRF1,     to limited stimulus, as reported by several studies (1, 2,
                                                              33). Two models have recently suggested new evidence
p53, JNK, and p38, as well as engages the NF-kB pathway       for a sentinel model of ribotoxin-induced PKR activation
                                                              (34). One possibility is a sentinel model in which PKR
(1, 2, 26). In non-stressed cells, PKR is in a monomeric      monomers basally associate with the ribosome and rRNA.
                                                              Upon interaction with a ribotoxin, one or more portions of
latent state due to the autoinhibitory effect of its dsRBD,   rRNA reposition and thereby promote dimerisation of the
                                                              PKR monomers followed by autophosphorylation and self-
which occludes the KD and regulates the activation of the     activation. A second possibility is a sequential mode
                                                              whereby a ribotoxin first associates with rRNA and inflicts
kinase. The different dsRNA molecules are recognised and      damage and/or alters its structure, thereby exposing new
                                                              double-stranded (ds)rRNA regions. This could sequentially
bound by PKR through the two N-terminal dsRBM,                elicit the binding of two or more PKR monomers in close
                                                              proximity to the damaged site, followed by the
resulting in PKR activation and autophosphorylation (27).     dimerisation of these monomers and finally the
                                                              autophosphorylation and self-activation of the kinase (34).
The structure of the PKR dsRNA binding domain was
                                                              2.3. NF-?B activation by PKR: identification of TRAF
determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (28) offering a      family proteins linking PKR with NF-?B activation

satisfactory explanation for the length required of dsRNA         The NF-?B family of transcription factors controls the
                                                              expression of genes involved in immune and inflammatory
molecules to be effective PKR activators. Most natural        responses, cell differentiation, and apoptosis, among others
                                                              (35). NF-?B activation is primarily regulated through its
dsRNA activators of PKR are synthesised in virus-infected     interaction with the family of inhibitory proteins I?B
                                                              which retain NF-?B in the cytoplasm. Phosphorylation of
cells as by-products of viral replication or transcription.   I?B on two conserved serine residues is mediated by the
                                                              I?B kinase complex (IKK complex) in response to a
For RNA viruses, dsRNA replicative forms are obligatory       variety of stimuli, leading to its subsequent ubiquitin-
                                                              dependent degradation by the 26S proteasome. This allows
intermediates for the synthesis of new genomic RNA            NF-?B translocation to the nucleus, where it can activate
                                                              the transcription of a number of genes including those
copies. Complex DNA viruses such as vaccinia virus            encoding cytokines, chemokines, cell surface receptors,
                                                              and adhesion molecules (36). The IKK complex contains a
(VV), adenovirus, or herpes simplex virus (HSV) have          structural protein termed IKK? or NEMO and two kinase
                                                              subunits, IKKa and IKKß (37). The first clues suggesting a
open reading frames in opposite orientation; they produce     role for PKR in NF-?B activation arose from observations
                                                              in 1989 that dsRNA could induce NF-?B activity in
overlapping mRNA transcripts that can fold to form            different cell lines (38). Subsequent experiments using the
                                                              kinase inhibitor 2-aminopurine suggested a role for PKR in
dsRNA stretches responsible for PKR activation in             this process. Additional evidence came from the analysis
                                                              of NF-?B activation following dsRNA treatment in cells
infected cells (1, 2). After binding dsRNA, PKR undergoes     lacking PKR expression. When PKR expression was
                                                              downregulated using 2-5A antisense oligonucleotides,
a number of conformational changes that relieve the           diminished NF-?B activation was observed in response to
                                                              dsRNA, with no significant change in the response to
autoinhibitory interactions of the enzyme and allow           TNF-a (39). The design of mice deficient in PKR
                                                              expression in 1995 allowed carry out many critical
subsequent substrate recognition. Biochemical and genetic     experiments for studying the mechanism of action of the

data have underscored the importance of                                                                                         145

homodimerisation in PKR activation (29). After

homodimerisation,  PKR  undergoes             rapid

autophosphorylation in a stretch of amino acids termed the

activation segment. Among others, residues Thr446 and

Thr451 in this segment are consistently phosphorylated

during activation (29, 30). This further stabilises PKR

dimerisation, which in turn increases the catalytic activity

of the kinase. Whether of viral origin or pIC, dsRNA thus

not only induces effects on translation, but also influences

various signal transduction pathways that affect different

transcriptional activities. As such, PKR mediates the

dsRNA-induced transcription of many genes through

engagement of multiple transcription pathways (1, 2, 26).

2.2. Translation regulation by PKR

    A number of reports have provided insights into the
mechanism of PKR activation and eIF2a phosphorylation,
which consists of a three-step pathway in which
dimerisation of the kinase domain triggers
autophosphorylation, in turn promoting specific
recognition of eIF2a. PKR activation-segment
phosphorylation on Thr446 promotes substrate recognition
and phosphorylation, although it has been reported that
phosphorylation at tyrosine residues in PKR also
contributes to the binding to dsRNA, autophosphorylation,
and eIF2a phosphorylation (31). To this day, a total of 14
phosphorylation sites have been identified in PKR, but

@Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain
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