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regulator of IFN protein synthesis has been also supported                                            María Ángel García Chaves
by other studies demonstrating that PKR plays a non-
redundant role in the IFN response to viral infections (54).    analysed the requirements of catalytic activity of the
                                                                enzyme (66). To express PKR, we used vaccinia virus
    On the other hand, it is well-known that PKR is a           recombinants producing wild type PKR and the
potent activator of NF-kB, thereby inducing IFN                 catalytically inactive mutant K296R (Figure 1). Most
transcription in concerted action with interferon regulatory    regulated genes were classified according to biological
factors 3 and 7 (IRF-3/7). PKR has been also implicated in      function, including apoptosis, stress, defence, and immune
the activation of interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF 1),       response. A total of 111 genes were regulated specifically
whose expression is strongly upregulated upon viral             by PKR catalytic activity, highlighting the upregulation of
infection, and which acts mainly as a transcriptional           the ATF-3 transcription factor, involved in stress-induced
activator of IFN-a/ ß gene expression (5, 44, 54). PKR also     ß-cell apoptosis. Using null cells for ATF-3 and for the
controls IFN and dsRNA signalling pathways by                   p65 subunit of NF-?B, we showed that induction of
modulation of STAT1 and STAT3 transcription factors.            apoptosis by PKR at late times of infection was dependent
PKR-knockout cells are defective in STAT1                       on ATF-3 expression and regulated by NF-?B activation.
phosphorylation on Ser727, resulting in a 4-fold decrease       The host genes affected by PKR, identified using human
in STAT1 dependent transactivation (58). STAT1 is also a        cDNA microarrays, together the ATF3 implication were
target for PKR-mediated activation in response to               published by Dr Guerra and co-workers in 2005 under the
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in glial cells (59). PKR also          direction of Dr Esteban in the Journal of Biological
associates to STAT3, and is required for full STAT3             Chemistry (66).
activation in response to platelet-derived growth factor
(PDGF). As proposed for STAT1, PKR regulates the Erk            2.5. PKR is a potent pro-apoptotic protein: caspases
activation ultimately involved in STAT3 phosphorylation         activation by intrinsic and extrinsic routes
(60). On the other hand, since it also regulates STATs
transcription factors, PKR has recently been described to           Cell death by apoptosis is a genetic program of
be involved in the differentiation of chondrocytes through      multicellular organisms which implements the ordered
the modulation of STAT1 and Sox-9 expression (61).              removal of damaged or unwanted cells during
                                                                development and in adult life. Deregulation of the
    In addition to its well-established role in the interferon  apoptotic process can lead to pathological conditions such
response, PKR is involved in many cellular pathways             as cancer, autoimmunity, and neurodegeneration (67).
exerting various functions on cell growth and                   Induction of apoptosis is a common response to viral
tumourigenesis (1, 2, 26). For example, the link between        infection. Although it may represent an antiviral
PKR and p53 has been described fundamentally in cancer          mechanism that acts by rapidly eliminating infected cells
cells where there is a bidirectional and complex regulatory     and preventing viral spread, virus-induced apoptosis can
relationship between both proteins. PKR interacts directly      also have important pathological implications. Moreover,
with the C-terminal part of p53 and phosphorylates p53 at       apoptosis cell death is an important event during some
the Ser392 residue (62). In addition, PKR is able to            chemotherapy treatments in cancer diseases.
promote the proteasomal degradation of p53 in association
with GSK-3ß and mouse double minute 2 homologue                     The first evidence that PKR was involved in apoptosis
(Mdm2), independently of translational control (57).            was suggested by Dr Esteban’s group in 1994 using HeLa
Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the ability of p53      cells infected with a VV recombinant vector that expressed
to cause cell cycle arrest and regulate transcription of        the enzyme under inducible conditions (Figure 1), (68).
target genes was impaired in PKR-knockout cells (62). In        The role of PKR in apoptosis was reinforced by studies
fact, it has been suggested that PKR is a p53 target gene       developed by other groups with 3T3 cells expressing a
that plays an important role in the tumour-suppressing          noncatalytic mutant PKR or using MEF derived from
function of p53 (63).                                           PKR-/- mice (69, 70). Since then, it has been clearly
                                                                demonstrated that PKR mediates the apoptosis induced by
    Moreover, PKR is an activator for signalling cascades       several viruses such us poxviruses, influenza, EMCV,
involving stress-activated protein kinases, and is described    VSV, etc., probably through dsRNA production (1, 2).
to mediate Jun kinase (JNK) and mitogen-activated protein       PKR also regulates apoptosis induced in the absence of
kinase p38 (MAPK) activation in response to specific            viral infection. PKR was shown to mediate the apoptosis
stimuli (1, 26). For full activation in response to LPS or      observed during Alzheimer's disease (71) and induced by
cytokines such as IFN-?, interleukin (IL)-1, or tumour          oncogenes such as IRF1 or E2F-1, or triggered in response
necrosis factor (TNF)-a, both p38 and JNK are dependent         to dsRNA, TNFa, LPS, tunicamycin, serum starvation, or
on PKR (64). Moreover, PKR interacts with and activates         IL-3 withdrawal (1, 2). Many of the stimuli that trigger
mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 6 (MKK6) in             PKR-dependent apoptosis in the absence of viral infection
response to double-stranded RNA stimulation (65).               rely on PACT/RAX activation. PACT/RAX mediates PKR
                                                                activation and subsequent apoptosis in response not only to
    In order to improve the state of knowledge about new        cytokines and serum withdrawal, but also to
host genes affected by PKR, we used human cDNA                  chemotherapy, ethanol, and viral infection (23, 24, 72).
microarrays to identify, in infected cells, genes               Analysis of the role of PKR effectors in mediating cell
differentially expressed after PKR expression, and              death suggests an intricate pathway. To distinct degrees, at
                                                                least eIF-2a, NF-kB, ATF-3, and p53 have been implicated
                                                                         @Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain
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