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A historical overview of protein kinase PKR…                  for AD (131, 169).

accumulated in degenerating neurons in the brain of               Moreover, NFkB regulates the cytokines involved in
patients with AD (163). Moreover, a number of recent          several inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and
studies have implicated PKR in the pathogenesis of other      lupus erythematosus, such as IL-6, TNF-a, and IL-1. The
neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease,      kinase PKR has been involved in the induction of TNF-a
Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis       and IL-6 in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in
(164-166). Previously, it had been demonstrated that the      fibroblasts and alveolar macrophages (173). Interestingly,
Aß peptide could induce PKR activation in primary             transcription of IL-1ß, TNF-a and IL-6 decreased in mice
neuronal cultures, triggering cell death by apoptosis (131).  deficient in the expression of PKR when subjected to a
Therefore, PKR activation was considered as a secondary       high-fat diet (174). The inhibition of PKR with the C16
consequence of extracellular senile plaque formation          compound in PBMCs isolated from patients significantly
contributing to neuronal degeneration. However, recent        decreased the expression and production of cytokines IL-
evidence indicates a direct involvement of PKR activation     1ß, TNF-a, and IL-6, suggesting that the inhibition of PKR
in the pathology of the disease promoting BACE I              at the peripheral level can decrease the inflammatory
expression, an enzyme involved in the accumulation of Aß      process in Alzheimer's patients (172). However, the effect
peptide (131, 167). Moreover, PKR is also involved in the     of PKR inhibition over these cytokines in autoimmune
mechanism of senile plaque formation through tau              diseases has not yet been explored.
phosphorylation via glycogen synthase kinase 3ß (GSK-
3ß) activation (168). On the other hand, PKR seems to be          Recently, it has been shown that PKR is an important
involved in the inflammatory process that has been            key element of the inflammasome complex in
suggested to contribute to AD (131, 169). Several works       macrophages. PKR interacts with the NOD-like receptor
have shown how PKR inhibition prevented the neuronal          family, which, together with caspase 1 (Casp-1), integrates
loss by apoptosis, suggesting the high potential of PKR as    this interesting complex, inducing high levels of the
a therapeutic target in neurodegenerative diseases (131,      HMGB1 cytokine (175). High levels of this cytokine and
169). In addition, data showing PKR involvement in            of IL -1ß have also been linked with inflammatory
learning and memory suggest that PKR inhibition could         processes involved in AD, autoimmune diseases, and
benefit humans, especially those experiencing age-related     cancer (131). In addition, the PKR gene deletion, or
memory loss or the most devastating memory loss               specific drug inhibition, severely diminished
associated with AD (170). Although different chemical         inflammasome activation in response to various stimuli
compounds and specific peptides protect neurons from          (131). Therefore, the analysis of PKR in cancer,
apoptosis by inhibiting PKR, unfortunately they also          neurodegeneration, and autoimmune diseases in the
display high toxicity, induce undesirable effects outside     context of the inflammasome complex can provide new
the nervous system, or are not able to cross the blood brain  evidence on the connection of PKR with these pathologies
barrier (131, 169). It is therefore necessary to continue     with an interesting therapeutic potential.
looking for new specific inhibitors of PKR. Due to the fact
that PKR is an ubiquitous and multifunctional protein, the    5. CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE
knowledge of the components involved in how and why           PROSPECTS
PKR is more active in these pathologies would help find
alternative drugs to target the abnormal activation of PKR        Since PKR was discovered, its mechanism of action
and contribute to the therapeutic control of                  has been gradually brought to light in several international
neurodegenerative diseases.                                   publications, an effort to which we have made important
                                                              contributions. The involvement of PKR in interferon-
4.3. Is PKR involved in inflammatory diseases?                mediated activities, in the induction of apoptosis, in the
    Since PKR is induced by IFNa and the                      activation of proinflammatory transcription factor NFkB,
                                                              along with its role in signalling pathways linking
proinflammatory NF-kB transcription factor is a target of     numerous biological events which include antiviral
the kinase, its involvement in inflammatory processes has     defence and cell growth, are clear indicators of the great
been suggested in several works (1, 2). In fact,              potential that this protein may have in a variety of
experiments using primary mouse cocultures containing         pathologies (Figure 7). The identification of PKR as a
neurons, astrocytes, and microglia have shown that            target of both conventional chemotherapeutic and novel
inhibition of PKR prevents activation of NF-kB, as well as    drugs highlights the need to carry out translational studies
a strong decrease in production and release of tumour         with patients to validate its potential as a biomarker of
necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and interleukin-1b (IL-1b),         important diseases like cancer and neurodegeneration.
(171). Several studies have shown a significant increase in   Moreover, the PKR deregulation showed in diseases like
various inflammatory mediators in plasma and peripheral       Alzheimer and inflammatory processes underlines the need
blood mononuclear cells of patients with AD compared to       to find applicable inhibitors of this kinase. Since PKR is
age-matched controls (172). Interestingly, levels of both     expressed in almost all cells, its therapeutic potential could
total PKR and phospho-PKR were modified in blood              arise from the factors involved in its regulation. In fact,
lymphocytes of patients with AD compared with control         understanding the cellular factors and signals that regulate
individuals, and the upregulation of these proteins in        the role of PKR in the different diseases would be
cerebrospinal fluid was suggested as a potential biomarker    extremely valuable from a clinical point of view.

     @Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain                                                                                 159
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