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The present review has shown the importance to                                                 María Ángel García Chaves
conduct continued basic molecular and preclinical studies.
Further along the road, clinical studies could show how an   pharmacology. With personalised medicine looming in the
application could be made to diagnostics and                 future and the genetic and proteomic background of each
                                                             patient determining specific approaches, PKR could play
                                                             an extremely relevant clinical role.

Figure 7. Representative diagram of PKR activation and modulation: pathological consequences of an unbalanced PKR activity.

PKR is activated by a variety of cellular stresses including viral and bacterial infections, cytokines, and chemotherapeutic drugs. PKR
activation involves its autophosphorylation, which triggers the phosphorylation of translation initiation factor eIF2a and the activation of

the proinflammatory NF-kB transcription factor. Both effects contribute to induce apoptosis cell death or to induce cell proliferation

depending on the stimulus and unknown factors. In addition, PKR is involved in inflammasome activation and cytokines liberation as IL-
6, TNF a and HMGB among others. Moreover PKR is involved in various pathways that engage multiple genes, including MAPKs,

ATFs, STATs, and p53, among others. Diverse PKR modulators have been identified, highlighting the PKR activator PACT, the inhibitor

TRBP, and the microRNA mir886. An unbalanced effect induced by dysregulated PKR activity could contribute to neurodegeneration,

cancer and inflammatory diseases.

5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                          2. Garcia MA, Meurs EF, Esteba M. The dsRNA protein
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their contribution. Special thanks to Dr Esteban for giving  3. Samuel CE. Antiviral actions of interferon. Interferon-
me the opportunity to work in the exciting world of PKR           regulated cellular proteins and their surprisingly
kinase, and special thanks to Dr Marchal to facilitate my         selective antiviral activities. Virology 1991;183(1):1-
leadership in this research. Garcia MA is funded by the           11.
Andalusian regional government and the Carlos III
Institute of Health.                                         4. Pestka S, Krause CD, Walter MR. Interferons,
                                                                  interferon-like cytokines, and their receptors.
6. REFERENCES                                                     Immunol Rev 2004;202:8-32.

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