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a protein classified as tumour suppressor by its capacity to                                         María Ángel García Chaves
induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in response to a
variety of cellular stresses like DNA damage, transcription    activation in Rb knockout and wild-type MEFs in response
inhibition, depletion of nucleotide pools, oncogene            to VSV infection revealed decreased levels of both
expression, and heat shock, among others (144). The            phospho-PKR and phosphor-eI2Fa proteins in the
induction of p53 by IFN was showed by Takaoka et al. in        knockout cells, suggesting PKR as a possible mediator.
2003, and the antiviral activity of this tumour suppressor     These results revealed a novel role for tumour suppressor
was reinforced by the fact that it is frequently targeted by   Rb in viral infection surveillance and further extend the
viral proteins (145). We demonstrated in an elegant way        concept of a link between tumour suppressors and antiviral
that VSV is impaired as a result of apoptosis induction via    activity. These results were published in 2009, under the
p53 activation, using a mice model expressing an extra-        direction of Dr Rivas and Dr Esteban, with my
copy of p53 called “super p53 mice” (146). Although in         contribution as first author in Plos One journal (150).
this model we did not directly address the role of PKR in
the antiviral effect of p53, the close link between both           In summary, these data highlight an important role of
proteins described above suggests great potential for PKR      different tumour suppressors in the complex innate
as a mediator, which should be the subject of other, more      antiviral host defence, due in part to the involvement of
specific studies.                                              PKR activity. While the field of tumour suppressors with
                                                               antiviral function is in its infancy, future work will unravel
    The alternative reading frame (ARF) is one of the two      a wider significance of tumour suppressors in host cell
unrelated products encoded by the INK4a–ARF locus, one         defence against pathogens. Understanding how tumour
of the most frequently mutated genes in cancer. Initially,     suppressors exert their antiviral function will be relevant in
ARF activity was linked to p53 stabilisation after             the potential use of viruses as oncolytic agents and for
oncogenic stress, but p53-independent functions have been      gene therapy in cancer, as we have reviewed in depth in
also described, placing this tumour suppressor as sensor of    both Carcinogenesis and Future Virology journals (151,
different types of stress (147). The control exerted by the    152).
tumour suppressor Arf on cellular proliferation is crucial to
restrict tumour development. Several reports described the     4.1.b. PKR as a molecular target of the 5-fluorouracil
activation of ARF after the expression of viral proteins,      chemotherapeutic drug
type I IFN treatment, or after virus infection, suggestive of
a physiological role for ARF during virus infection (1, 2).        The chemotherapeutic drug 5-FU is widely used in the
However, due to the well-known connection between ARF          treatment of a range of cancers, being the first and second
and p53, a direct antiviral activity for ARF independently     line of treatment in combination in colorectal cancer
of p53 activation had not been considered before. Our          patients, and the third line in the palliative care of
results revealed that ARF can be induced by viral infection    numerous cancer types. However, adverse effects and
and that the expression of ARF reduces viral infectivity. In   resistance to the drug remain major clinical problems.
fact, ARF is protective against IFN-sensitive viruses such     Since defects in the mediators of apoptosis may account
as VSV, Sindbis virus, or a recombinant VV rendered IFN        for chemoresistance, the identification of new targets
sensitive by deletion of the PKR inhibitory gene, E3L. We      involved in 5-FU-induced apoptosis is of great clinical
have shown that this antiviral effect depends in part, on      interest. The p53 tumour suppressor has been reported as
PKR activation mediated by its release from inhibitory         an important protein involved in 5-FU-induced apoptosis
complexes with NPM (148). These results provided a new         (153). However, several works have shown that apoptosis
link between tumour suppression and antiviral host             can also occur in mutant p53 cell lines by a mechanism
defence, an important step to understand the tumourigenic      still unknown, with p53 playing the role of a biomarker of
activity of viruses and a crucial learning for the             response to 5-FU in tumours pending to find new targets
forthcoming use of viruses as therapeutic agents. Under        involved in 5-FU sensibility or resistance. We have
the direction of Dr Rivas, and in collaboration with Dr        identified PKR as a key molecular target of 5-FU involved
Esteban and Dr Serrano, these results were published with      in apoptosis induction in human colon and breast cancer
my contribution as the first author in the prestigious         cell lines (154). We analysed PKR distribution and
EMBO Journal in 2006 (148).                                    activation, apoptosis induction, and cytotoxic effects
                                                               during 5-FU and 5-FU/IFNa treatment in several colon
    In addition, we suggested other links between tumour       and breast cancer cell lines with different p53 status. PKR
suppression and antiviral host defence, with PKR playing a     protein was activated by 5-FU treatment in a p53-
role in the activation of the NF-kB pathway through viral      independent manner, inducing phosphorylation of eIF-2a
infection. The retinoblastoma protein Rb is a tumour           and cell death by apoptosis. Furthermore, PKR
suppressor involved in cell cycle control, differentiation,    interference promoted a decreased response to 5-FU
and inhibition of oncogenic properties (149). We showed        treatment and those cells were not affected by the
that virus replication was increased by the absence of Rb      synergistic antitumour activity of 5-FU/IFNa combination.
tumour suppressor gene expression, and that Rb was             We have shown that PKR is activated in absence of p53
required for the activation of the NF-kB pathway in            expression and, whereas PKR knockdown decreased 5-
response to virus infection (150). An analysis of PKR          FU-mediated apoptosis, cell death was completely
                                                               abolished in absence of both PKR and p53 proteins. These
    156                                                        results suggest the importance of both proteins in 5-FU-
                                                               induced apoptosis, and the relevance acquired by PKR in

                                                                        @Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain
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