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conducted in PBMCs from acute myeloid leukemia and                                                   María Ángel García Chaves
healthy patients have shown epigenetic variability of
nc886 (128), suggesting that the expression levels of this     Complex of Granada as a Researcher of the National
regulator will be variable, and may be decisive in diseases    Health System (Miguel Servet Program) was in 2009, with
where PKR activity is deregulated.                             the aim of transferring our knowledge of PKR and
                                                               Interferon to certain diseases, conducting studies with
3.4. PKR regulation by compartmental localisation and          patients in order to define their clinical utility. Today, I
post-translational modifications: identification of a novel    lead a line of research based on the study of Interferon and
PKR modification by Sumoylation                                PKR in several diseases at the Institute of Biomedical
                                                               Research of Granada (ibs.GRANADA)/University
    Although PKR has been identified in nuclear and            Hospital Complex of Granada, in the group directed by Dr
cytoplasmic fractions, most activities attributed to PKR       Marchal, collaborating also in the discovery of novel
occur in the cytoplasm; hence, the role of nuclear PKR         antitumour drugs.
remains unclear. However, recent studies have attributed
clinical and pathological significance to nuclear PKR,         4.1. The role of PKR in Cancer
mainly in neurodegeneratives diseases (21, 129).
Moreover, we and others have shown that PKR can be                 In addition to its well-established role in the interferon
sequestered in the nucleus by nucleophosmin (1, 2). In         response, PKR is involved in many cellular pathways
acute leukemia, it has been found that PKR exists in           exerting various functions on cell growth and
diverse molecular weight forms in the nucleus, suggesting      tumourigenesis (1, 2, 131). However, PKR's exact role in
that this variance in protein weight is the result of post-    cancer biology remains controversial. Initially, PKR was
translational modifications (129). In fact, PKR can be         thought to be a tumour suppressor. The first evidence that
regulated by different post-translational modifications,       PKR controls cell growth, and consequently may function
including phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and ISGylation.     as an inhibitor of cell proliferation, was obtained after
Recent observations resulting from the cooperation             overexpression of PKR in mammalian, insect, and yeast
between our group and that of Dr Rivas reveal a post-          cells, where PKR was observed to suppress cell growth
translational modification of PKR by SUMOylation, with a       (132, 133). Conversely, the expression of several PKR
direct role in PKR activation and control of virus infection   dominant-negative mutants leads to malignant
(130). These results indicate that PKR is modified by both     transformation of NIH 3T3 cells, and is able to cause
SUMO1 and SUMO2, in vitro and in vivo. We identified           tumourigenesis in nude mice (134, 135). The apoptotic
lysine residues Lys-60, Lys-150, and Lys-440 as                role of PKR was also in agreement with the notion that this
SUMOylation sites in PKR. Moreover, these results show         protein could be a tumour suppressor. PKR is able to
that SUMO is required for efficient PKR-dsRNA binding,         activate the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic routes in
PKR dimerisation, and eIF2a phosphorylation. SUMO              cancer cells in response to several stimuli, including
potentiated the inhibition of protein synthesis induced by     antitumour drugs (22, 76). Moreover, PKR has been
PKR in response to dsRNA, whereas a PKR SUMOylation            suggested as an essential part of the antitumour activity of
mutant was impaired in its ability to inhibit protein          tumour suppressors, such as p53 and PTEN (62, 63, 136).
synthesis and showed reduced capability to control             The link between PKR and p53 has been described
vesicular stomatitis virus replication and to induce           fundamentally in cancer cells where there is a bidirectional
apoptosis in response to vesicular stomatitis virus infection  and complex regulatory relationship between both
(130). Hence, the analysis of the post-translational           proteins. PKR interacts directly with the C-terminal part of
regulation and compartmentalisation of PKR offer               p53 and phosphorylates p53 at the Ser392 residue (1, 2,
interesting possibilities to control their role in various     62). In addition, PKR is able to promote the proteasomal
diseases.                                                      degradation of p53 in association with GSK-3ßand mouse
                                                               double minute 2 homologue (Mdm2), independently of
4. PKR INVOLVEMENT IN SEVERAL DISEASES:                        translational control (131). Moreover, it has been
ITS POTENTIAL AS A BIOMARKER AND                               demonstrated that the ability of p53 to cause cell cycle
THERAPEUTIC TARGET                                             arrest and regulate transcription of target genes was
                                                               impaired in PKR-knockout cells (1, 2). In fact, it has been
    The study of the mechanism of action and regulation of     suggested that PKR is a p53 target gene that plays an
PKR has opened the door to a new understanding of the          important role in the tumour-suppressor function of p53 in
implications and therapeutic possibilities of this protein in  response to DNA damage stress. In addition, PKR could
several diseases as we have recently published in FASEB        be transcriptionally regulated by p53 activity in response
Journal in the review titled “The impact of PKR                to some genotoxic stresses (63). On the other hand, we
activation: from neurodegeneration to cancer” under my         have evaluated the antitumour activity of overexpressed
leadership as corresponding and last author (131).             PKR using VV recombinant (Figure 1) with interesting
Although further analysis are required involving patient       oncolytic results in mice xenotransplanted with prostate
samples, PKR translational research, carried out only in       cancer cells, publishing these data as first author in 2010 in
recent years, shows great potential for this kinase as a       Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (137).
biomarker and therapeutic target.                              PKR overexppresion was able to reduce tumour volume
                                                               with the advantage of minimising the specific antibodies
           My incorporation at the University Hospital         induced by the animal against the viral vector in

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