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Virginia Pardo Marqués, Águeda González-Rodríguez, Ángela Martínez Valverde

Figure 4. Paracrine effects of primary Kupffer cells           Figure 5. Paracrine effects of primary Kupffer cells
stimulated with palmitate or oleate in stress pathways in      stimulated with palmitate or oleate in lipoapoptotic pathways
primary mouse hepatocytes. Conditioned medium from primary     in primary mouse hepatocytes. Conditioned medium from
Kupffer cells treated with BSA (CMK-B), oleate (CMK-O) or      primary Kupffer cells treated with BSA (CMK-B), oleate (CMK-
palmitate (CMK-P) was added to primary mouse hepatocytes for   O) or palmitate (CMK-P) was added to primary mouse
30 min. Total protein was analyzed by Western blot using the   hepatocytes for 24 h. Total protein was analyzed by Western blot
indicated antibodies. Representative blots are shown (n=3      using the indicated antibodies. Representative blots are shown
independent experiments.                                       (n=3 independent experiments.

    In the light of these data, CHOP and the active            3.4. CMK-P induces insulin resistance, whereas that
fragment of caspase 3, indicators of apoptosis, also were      CMK-O induces insulin hipersensitivity in primary mouse
detected only in hepatocytes treated with CMK-P (Figure        hepatocytes
                                                                   Next, we analyzed the effects of Kupffer cells-derived
                                                               products on insulin signaling in hepatocytes. For this goal,
                                                               primary hepatocytes were treated with CMK-P or CMK-O
                                                               for 24 h and subsequently stimulated with 10 nM insulin
                                                               for 10 min. As depicted in Figure 6, insulin-induced
                                                               tyrosine phosphorylation of the IR and Akt
                                                               phosphorylation at both Ser 473 and Thr 308 residues was
                                                               enhanced in hepatocytes pretreated with CMK-O whereas
                                                               these responses were decreased in hepatocytes pretreated
                                                               with CMK-P. These results also reflect an opposite
                                                               paracrine cross-talk between hepatocytes and resident

Figure 6. Paracrine effects of primary Kupffer cells stimulated with palmitate or oleate in insulin signaling in primary mouse
hepatocytes. CMK was added to primary hepatocytes for 24 h. Then, cells were stimulated with 10 nM insulin for 10 min. Total protein
was analyzed by Western blot using the indicated antibodies. Representative blots are shown (n=3 independent experiments.

3.5. Lower levels of PTP1B can contribute to the insulin       them, PTP1B was a potential candidate given its ability to
sensitization induced by CM-O in hepatocytes.                  directly dephosphorylate tyrosine residues of the IR (48).
                                                               Consistent with this hypothesis, we measured the
    Next, we evaluated the possibility that changes in the     expression of this phosphatase in hepatocytes incubated
expression of negative modulators of the early steps of the    with CM-O. For these experiments we used immortalized
insulin signaling could account for the insulin sensitization  neonatal hepatocytes previously generated and validated in
induced by CM-O or CMK-O in hepatocytes. Among

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