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The new levels of redox regulation of S-adenosylmethionine synthesis

In fact, this subunit followed a similar pathway to produce    that there are small differences in the orientation of the

MATa2 dimers, and only in a latter step association of         monomers. Moreover, these mutants ~350 residues long
MATß takes place (46). Data regarding folding pathways         lack the C-terminal domain sequence involved the in
in vivo remain very limited, although E. coli MAT was
identified several years ago among the substrates for the      monomer-monomer interface, including the ß-sheet that
chaperonin GroEL (68).                                         participates in dimer association. These divergences
                                                               together will impose a rearrangement to avoid exposure of
    All this information regarding folding and structure
could be of help to understand the impact of the different     amino acids that are hidden in the wild type MATa1, and
MAT1A mutations detected in patients with isolated             hence reducing the probability of association with MATa2
persistent hypermethioninemia, and in fact we performed        (69). Once again, additional experiments are needed for
this exercise in 2011 (69). Most of these patients are         verification of the folding pathways followed by the
asymptomatic, although demyelination and other central         mutants, their putative ability to hetero-oligomerize with
nervous system manifestations have been described in           wild type subunits, etc.
several cases (70,71). The number of patients is still small,
but newborn screenings in search for CBS defects are           4.4. Oxidative stress induced by copper accumulation
aiding in the identification of hypermethioninemias due to     impairs SAM synthesis in early stages of Wilson disease
MAT1A mutations. Most mutations follow a recessive
autosomal inheritance trait, although a dominant pattern           Several models of liver disease that induce oxidative
has been described for the transition leading to the R264H     stress by different mechanisms have been explored along
protein mutant (72). The presence of early stop codons         the years regarding the alterations induced in SAM
                                                               synthesis. Just to name some, carbon tetrachloride
leading to shorter MATa1 subunits has been reported, as        intoxications (75,76), treatments with buthionine
well as the possibility of longer chains due to mutations in   sulfoximine (BSO) (42), Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC)
the stop codon or splice-donor sites (70,71,73). Analysis of   rats (20-22), etc. all concur with a reduction in MAT
some of these mutant proteins has been carried out upon        activity and SAM levels. Now that the role of cysteines in
overexpression in E. coli and/or COS cells and their effects   MAT I and MAT III is known this is no longer a surprise,
on activity evaluated. The early stop codons identified to     but since most of these models were explored earlier there
date lead to proteins lacking from part (386X) or most         was a need to revisit certain aspects. Among them, the case
(350X) of the C-terminal domain, to others in which even       of the Wilson disease model provided by LEC rats
information for a complete domain is absent (92X and           remained underexplored, probably because of the rare
185X). Additional early stop codons (351X) result not          condition of this pathology. The available data referred
only in the loss of half of the C-terminal domain, but also    only to activity parameters and were determined in an
in a change of sequence that affects a portion of the central  advanced stage of the disease, where hepatitis was already
and the remaining C-terminal domains. In contrast, longer      present. Therefore, we decided to explore early
subunits resulting from the stop codon mutation (X396Y-        pathological stages to get insight into the copper effects on
464X) present with the whole wild type sequence, and           SAM synthesis. For this purpose, we examined 9-week old
hence the information for the whole N- and central             LEC rats, which already presented with copper deposits in
domains plus and extended C-terminal domain. Longer            the liver, but no signs of hepatitis (20).
monomers due to splice-donor mutations on exon III, will
result in proteins whose sequence is drastically altered, and      Hepatic copper accumulation at this early step led to
hence, their folding and structure. If not eliminated by       changes in expression that were unexpected for MAT
proteolysis, the shortest MATa1 subunits are expected to       genes (20). The Mat1a/Mat2a expression switch was
result in a complete change in the folding pattern,            already detected in LEC rats at this age, but Mat2b
precluding association. However, those mutants in which        expression was dramatically reduced, hence following an
the sequences for the N- and central domains remain            opposite pattern to that classically described in liver
intact, and even part of the C-terminal domain is              disease. These effects on Mat2b expression were prevented
preserved, may achieve an intermediate state that allows       by neocuproine, a chelator of Cu (I) (Figure 4). Reductions
association (69).                                              in SAH concentrations were larger than effects on SAM
                                                               levels, probably due to the effects of copper on SAHH
    This is the case for mutations leading to MATa1            (47). Activity measurements carried out under conditions
subunits of approximately 350 residues, which were the         that allowed distinction between the three MAT
first identified in patients with demyelination. In fact,      isoenzymes indicated a decrease in MAT III activity,
Hazelwood et al. proposed that this type of subunits might     together with an increase in the combined activity of MAT
                                                               I and MAT II. These effects on activity correlated with an
associate with MATa2 monomers, leading to an inactive          enhancement in the MAT I content together with a
hetero-oligomer (74). Although plausible, given the high       reduction in that of MAT III, according to analytical gel
                                                               filtration chromatography (AGFC) and dot blot detection
level of sequence identity between MATa1 and MATa2
subunits, the availability of new structural data showed       of MATa1 (20).

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