Anales RANF

Simposium 13: ROLE FOR PURINES IN BI-DIRECTIONAL GLIA- NEURON COMMUNICATIONS Chairs : Yuriy Pankratov (Warwik, UK) / Alexei Verkhratsky (Manchester, UK) Content : Communication between neuronal and glial cells is fundamental for brain function. There is a growing evidence that ATP acts as a ubiquitous neurotransmitter in glial-neuronal, glial-glial and neuronal-glial communications both in physiological and pathophysiological contexts, Importantly, ATP (as well as other purines) can mediate bi-directional communication between neurones and glia: first, by activating Ca 2+ - signaling in glial cells via various P2 purinoceptors, and, in reverse, upon a release of various signalling molecules from astrocytes to modulate neuronal plasticity. Symposium speakers are international experts in most fundamental aspects of purinergic signalling integrating neuronal glial networks and contributing to neuropathology.