Anales RANF

Welcoming Address Dear Colleagues: For more than 1.000 years, since the 814, Santiago was the place where all the Europeans and their diverse cultural heritages met in peace. This is a powerful reason to organise here our foundational meeting, hoping to be inspired by the most stunning Romanesque art. Over the last purinergic meetings, we were aware of the advances in the field and how many of the obstacles were overcome. Thanks to long road paved by the pioneers, like the pilgrims, we can now enjoy of a splendid sight. Notwithstanding, we still need to put emphasis in basic science, and the ways to translate its achievements into novel pharmacological and clinical applications. The experience of senior scientists offers the necessary background to settle where we are in the purinergic field. We wait for their advice concerning proposals for Symposia and more relevant speakers. But, to go further, the brain of young scientists will make the difference, and hence we will pay special attention to them. We hope that for many of the young scientists assisting to this meeting, the forthcoming Meeting could be opportunity to display their first poster, or make their first presentation, and even get their first award. Convinced that the First European Purine Meeting will remain in your memories forever, now we start the way to Santiago de Compostela. We hope that all of us will meet again at the end of the way from 4-6 September 2019. With my best regards. Mª Teresa Miras-Portugal President of the Scientific and Local Committee Honorary President of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Spain Acknowledgments. The Guest Editors would like to thank the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Spain and his president Prof. Antonio Doadrio, together with the Academy staff, very specially to Manuel Tirado and Carlos Fernández, for their support in the Abstracts Book edition. We would like also to thank the Santiago University, specially the Medicine Faculty and the Center for Research in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CIMUS).