Anales RANF

P5. V ESICULAR AND M EMBRANE TRANSPORTERS P.28 ANALYSIS OF THE EXPRESION AND FUNCTION OF VNUT IN POSTNATAL CEREBELLUM Lucía Paniagua-Herranz 1,2,3 Aida Menendez-Méndez 1,2,3 JC Gil Redondo 1,2,3 MJ Queipo 1,2,3 Esmerilda G Delicado 1,2,3 Raquel Pérez-Sen 1,2, 3 Felipe Ortega 1,2, 3 María Teresa Miras-Portugal 1,2,3 1 . Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain; 2 . Instituto of Neurochemistry (IUIN), Madrid, Spain; 3. Instituto of Neurochemistry (IUIN), Madrid, Spain. Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos (IdISSC), Spain. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a relevant extracellular neurotransmitter which is involved un different processes such as cell differentiation, neuroprotection or axon guiadance. ATP is store in secretore vesicles before being released through the Vesicular Nucleotide Transporter (VNUT). This transporter is expressed heterogenously in the mouse brain, being particulary abundant in the cerebellar cortex, where granular neurons represent the majority of neuronal population. These neurons are glutamatergic cells which express a variety of functional P2Y and P2X nucleotide receptors. Regardless the importante of the purinergic system in granular neurons neuroprotection, there is no information about the vesicular ATP storage and its relationship with VNUT expresion. In this present work, we analyzed the involment of VNUT in the vesicular release of ATP from primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. Besides VNUT is expressed very early in the neuronal lineage of the cerebellar progenitors, indicating that it could contribute to the postnatal development of granular neurons. Therefore we also analyzed the role of VNUT in the lineage progression of neural progenitors isolated from early (P0) postnatal cerebellum.