Anales RANF

Some contributions from physicians and apothecaries to trimetric analysis with additional details of your life and works @Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia. Spain 147 Henry Descroizilles (1781-1825), démonstrateur royal de chimie, apothecary, inventor and industrial chemist. The father of titrimetric analysis. Part I. Ann R Acad Nac Farm 2018; 84(2): 185-203. 8. Martín J, Saez-Plaza P, Asuero AG. François-Antoine- Henry Descroizilles (1781-1825), démonstrateur royal de chimie, apothecary, inventor and industrial chemist. The father of titrimetric analysis. Part II An Real Acad Nac Farm 2018; 84(3): 255-75. 9. Saez-Plaza P, Asuero AG, Martín J. From the early history of iodometric methods: from its inception to Robert Bunsen. An Real Acad Nac Farm 2018: 84(3): 276-88. 10. Saez-Plaza P, Asuero AG, Martín J. From the early history of iodometric methods: from Robert Bunsen to Karoly Tham, An Real Acad Nac Farm 2018; 84(4) 337-45. 11. Saez-Plaza P, Martín J, Asuero AG. 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